Professional tool for commercial or occasional use.
-The automotive stethoscope is designed to detect unusual mechanical noises generated from bearings, shafts, tappets
-Helps to identify engine and chassis noise
-Assists in fault diagnosis, determining defective and noisy components
-Sensitive tool will help to pin down the precise area of a fault induced noise.
-Intermittent or irregular noises may indicate something serious and potentially damaging
- Screw metal probe into handset - Connect headphones into base of handset - Use thumbwheel on side of handset to switch on / off and alter volume control. - Rotate wheel about half way to achieve best results with little background noise - LED battery light will indicate the handset is switch on. (if no light when switched on -please check battery) - Switch handset off to preserve battery life - Requires 9v battery (not included)
-Complete with headphones, volume control and 180mm probe